Dying light steam how to go down a version
Dying light steam how to go down a version

dying light steam how to go down a version

That last quibble aside, the movement in Dying Light 2 feels outstanding, a blend of some of the best of Assassin’s Creed, Spider-Man, Breath of the Wild and Far Cry. You eventually get a pretty solid handle on this, but in the first couple of dozen hours, you will likely make more than a few leaps that end with “You are dead” smeared across the screen like Aiden on the pavement. In the world at large, it’s a bit more of a learning experience there is some building geometry that certainly looks like you could scale it, that will have you just scrambling on the side of the wall as the infected drag you to your doom. In areas with a specific climbing/traversal challenge, like the windmills that you must scale and repair to claim specific areas, the intended spots are always painted or otherwise constructed with something yellow. My one minor complaint with the traversal mechanics in Dying Light 2 is that it is unclear at times what you can grab onto. New tools as you progress like the paraglider and grappling hook dramatically transform the game from what you’ve become accustomed to in the early going.

Dying light steam how to go down a version zip#

Some of the basics are the most impactful as they allow you to fall farther without taking damage, sprint up a wall a few feet to grab that ledge that would have been just out of reach, or pull yourself up on that ledge despite being out of stamina.Īs the game progresses, you can unlock changes to the environment that will make traversing the city faster and easier, like set zip lines and winches. While the skill tree isn’t massive, it’s enough to give you the feeling of some control over your style of play. However, another hour or two and a couple of stamina and parkour skill upgrades later, I was happily ricocheting across the rooftops to avoid the hordes of undead shuffling along the streets.

dying light steam how to go down a version

In my first couple of hours with the game, I felt like the first-person perspective made the frenetic movement difficult to control. In the same way that I can spend hours web-swinging around NYC in Spider-Man: Miles Morales, there is something incredibly satisfying about wending your way through the cluttered streets and crowded rooftops of Dying Light 2.

Dying light steam how to go down a version